It's foolish to think that you can become a master in your field. There will always be advancements and changes that make you look to do more and do better. In the meantime, it's best to make other people's dreams become reality on paper.
Giant Girl Adventures allows us to present: Danger Team
The humble beginnings of Danger Team and my foray into web comics!
My LinkedIn Page
Just because I draw cartoons, and am a fun guy, doesn't mean I can't conduct business. This is for branding, and professional networking purposes..
It's My Snapchat.
I don't use it that much, but hey, give it shot. Anything is possible.
Ed's Insta Page!
Cartoon fun, from the comfort of your pocket!
Lizard of Doom Studios
Where I update most of my Facebook goings on and answer any questions folks might have. ANY questions! Sincerely. Ask away!
THIS is my YouTube Page
Click here to watch me Draw cartoons, entertain, and answer questions!
Venmo for the WIN!
This is one way to send me money, to make magic for you.
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